Feng Shui has been much westernized and diluted but the basic concepts can be seen in the workings of the aeroponic Tower Garden.

The words feng shui, loosely translated as wind and water, epitomize the air and water system of the Tower Garden. This self sufficient system operates on a balanced sprinkling of nutrients through a water pump, alternating with periods of rest and aeration.

Balance is yet another vital element of feng shui seen in the proper alignment of energy or chi. The Tower Garden follows this practice too with its timed release of water-borne nutrients.

I don't know if Tim Blank (inventor of TG) was conscious of the way the Tower Garden follows the ancient Chinese principles of balance. But just knowing that the yin and yang are present in my vegetables and herbs gives me a new source of peace and happiness.

GO HERE READ ABOUT HOW THE TOWER GARDEN WORKS. Feel free to leave a comment! Email me if you'd like more information about growing hydroponically. Or visit my Tower Garden website.